Member news

Please let Chris Rodic know if you know of members that are sick, bereaved, moved out of town, new grand/greatgrands, wedding, anniversary, celebrations, or just need cheering up.

Chris Rodic will send a card to let them know we are thinking of them.

Current Member News:

Nancy Satchwill: has not been feeling her best, however she sounds great. We would like to wish her a very good day.

Arlen Benton Lee: Our heartfelt prayers and thoughts are with Arlena at the loss of her niece who resided in Atlanta, GA

Olivia Watkins: Please continue to keep Olivia in your prayers. I am waiting to hear from her. She was at home and in good spirits the last time we spoke.

Earl Little: Earl has officially moved out of state to live with his daughter. He will be missed from our SLCREA meetings and other community related activities.