Why join the St. Lucie County Retired Educators Association?…
Strength for the organization concerned with the welfare of retired educators and school personnel.
A voice in the Florida Legislature.
Provide scholarships for future educators
Help strengthen our voice in the fight to preserve the Florida Retirement System for the present and future health of Florida’s economy.
Qualifications of Membership
Any retired educator with five (5) or more years of service may become an Active Member. Any other person interested in the work of the Association may become an Associate Member without the right to hold office, or to serve as a delegate to the Annual Delegate Assembly and Convention.
The annual dues are $55.00 per year; included are state and local dues and a local scholarship assessment.
Membership Application
Saint Lucie County Retired Educators Association Affiliated with Florida Retired Educators Association
Membership dues form
$55.00 per year: State, Local and scholarship
Use this form to join FREA and your local or to renew your membership. Copy, print, and mail with check to address below.
Checks should be made to: Saint Lucie County Retired Educators Association (SLCREA)
Attention: Pat Davis 5571 NW Scepter DR. PSL, Fl. 34983
Please print
Date ________________
Circle one: Miss Mrs. Mr. Dr. Other __________
Your name:
Date of Birth: Month/Day/Year:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Telephone Number:
Retired from what school District:
Date of retirement: Position:
Name of Local Unit:
Please check: New Member ________ Renewal _________ General _________ Associate _________